Saturday, September 17, 2011



All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 8 marks.

1. (a) What is meant by committal to Court of Sessions? What are the procedural requirements to be complied with while passing an order of committal?
(b) What are the safeguards to be adopted by the Magistrate while conducting Identification Parade? What is its probative value?

2. What is Investigation? Does it differ from Inquiry? What is the procedure for recording statements of the witnesses during investigation?

3 (a) What is the sentence of imprisonment that can be imposed in default of fine?
(b) Is a tresspasser entitled to exercise the right of private defence of person and property?

4. (a) All Confessions are Admissions but all Admissions are not Confessions. Discuss.
(b) Define Dowry Death. When can the Court presume that a person has committed Dowry Death of a woman?

5. Explain the powers of civil court in incidental and supplemental proceedings.

6. (a) Explain the circumstances in which court can be asked to review its own decree or order.
(b) What is an exparte decree? What are the criteria for setting aside exparte decree?

7. (a) What are the nature of liabilities under Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee?
(b) How can a right of easement be acquired by prescription? What rights cannot be acquired by prescription?

8. (a) Discuss the provision of Limitation Act for computation of limitation in the case of the person under legal disability.
(b) A minor issues a cheque in discharge of a liability and it was dishonoured. Whether he is liable to be prosecuted under S. 138 NI Act?

9. Discuss rights and liabilities of Mortgagor and Mortgagee.

10. (a) What is Injunction and its kinds?
(b) What is the procedure to be followed for production of records in the custody of a public officer other than a court?


  1. thank you sir. we really appreciate your effort

  2. Model paper III
    1. (a) What is meant by committal to Court of Sessions? What are the procedural requirements to be complied with while passing an order of committal?
    4. (a) All Confessions are Admissions but all Admissions are not Confessions. Discuss.
    Kindly suggest what are the points to be covered for this answer

  3. 4. (a) All Confessions are Admissions but all Admissions are not Confessions. Discuss.

    For the above question, write down the differences between Confession and Admission.

  4. 1. (a) What is meant by committal to Court of Sessions? What are the procedural requirements to be complied with while passing an order of committal?

    Certain offences are exclusively triable by Court of Sessions, but such court cannot take cognizance of these offences directly. It can deal with such a case when the same is committed to it by a Magistrate taking cognizance of such an offence.

    According to Section 209 CRPC, when accused appears or is brought before the Magistrate and it appears to the Magistrate that the offence is triable exclusively by Court of Sessions, he shall

    (a) supply the copies of FIR, S. 161 statements and other documents relating to the case to the accused as per S. 207 or S. 208 CrPC
    (b) subject to the provisions relating to bail, remand the accused to custody during and until the conclusion of trial.
    (c) send to that court the record of the case and documents and articles, if any, which are to be produced in evidence.
    (d) notify the public prosecutor of the commencement of the case to the Court of Sessions.
